They, along with Sonar users, also never moan about their product in public, unlike Cubase users, who are among the biggest whiners around (self included). Including nulling tests with raw audio, same pan laws and no plugins, which always nulls with Cubase 5, Sonar, Logic etc - meaning they all sound the same !! 'Audio program which adds MIDI is better for audio than a MIDI program which adds Audio', and many who will argue until they are beyond blue in the face and in need of an Emergency Room that it 'sounds' better. I don't want to get into a war of words or start making generalizations about people, but there is definately a certain ratio of Samp/Sequoia users who have a superiority complex about their DAW of choice IMHO, often based on old data i.e. Samplitude is what "PT Native" should be and is, like PT for DSP-based sytems, one of the oldest & best developed "native-power" DAWs out there (supposedly Samplitude was the first DAW to be non-destrcutive). The big deal for me is that everything I need is contained in the DAW. best multi-core implementation I've used. latency compensation & latency compensation for outboard hardware (pings loops to calculate offset)
Magix sequoia 14 full mega archive#
Also you can archive to DVD from the project.
I never use Autotune, it's right on the object (it's also the predecessor to PT's Elastic Time)
Elastic Audio: Samplitude's timestretching/pitch-correcting algorithm. Object (region) level non-destructive editing, mixing & plugins I was using a ProTools Mix system at work and had Logic home. I first jumped on Samplitude at version 5.